@2024/2025 – All rights reserved. Designed and developed by Angela IsaiÂ
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Amely SAS di Isaj Anxhela – P.IVA: 05675420284 – REA: 484469 – CCIAA of Padova
Via Pegolotte 59/a, 35020 Correzzola (PD), Italy
Hello fellow travelers! 🙂
In the past year, I have been fortunate to travel between Thailand, Japan, and America, taking many long flights of 12-13 hours. During these trips, I learned some basic rules and discovered products that are indispensable for making the most of such a long journey. Today I want to share with you my essential guide to facing a long-duration flight with comfort and peace of mind. Get ready to take notes!
Great for traveling, I have tried several pillows over time, but I keep buying back the Flowzoom one. I have to say that I really fit very well with the baby version because, as I am very petite (I am 5’5 and generally petite), this is just the right size to properly lift my head.
Essential for sleeping peacefully during the flight, avoiding the hassle of nearby screens where movies are watched. I always use silk ones that are super soft.
In this case, I had asked for advice from you on Instagram itself! In first place are the Ear Loops, while I do very well with the totally insulating ones from Apple. If you don’t have major problems, even basic ones will do.
Perhaps you have never taken long flights, so you may not know, but your legs and feet, especially, swell a lot. Fabio, for example, often struggles to put his shoes back on to go to the bathroom! There is a solution and it is compression stockings. They work because they help improve blood circulation, reducing swelling and the feeling of heaviness.
Unfortunately, the skin during the flight gets very dry. As soon as I wake up from my nap or an hour or so before I go downstairs, I either do a nice face mask or pull out one of my mini-sized moisturizers so I can always have it in my purse.
You can’t know what they will feed you on the plane, so I always have some healthy (but also not) snacks in my backpack that I can munch on in case I don’t like the meal they serve. Since they are packaged, you can safely take them on the plane and pass security checks.
Download some movies and TV shows to the iPad in advance because there are airlines (Air China, to name one) that unfortunately have a really poor catalog and no Italian subtitles. I always travel with my iPad, where I also downloaded books, games and more.
Count that I got an iPad pro because I also use it for work but of course if you have to do another use you can opt for something simpler and cheaper! 🙂
I hope these tips and products will help make your long trips much more comfortable and enjoyable. Keep following me on my Instagram profile @angelaisai for more travel tips. Have a good trip and relax! 🙂
@2024/2025 – All rights reserved. Designed and developed by Angela IsaiÂ
Note: this website contains affiliate links.
Amely SAS di Isaj Anxhela – P.IVA: 05675420284 – REA: 484469 – CCIAA of Padova
Via Pegolotte 59/a, 35020 Correzzola (PD), Italy